What are charter schools?

Charter schools are public schools that are operated via performance-based agreements between either the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education or a local school board and a non-profit corporation. They are exempt from some of the state laws and regulations that apply to traditional public schools in exchange for being held accountable for specific outcome expectations relative to student academic performance, finance, and governance. Charter schools that fail to meet those expectations can be closed.

Charter schools are publicly funded, must adhere to state open meeting laws, and are required to admit all students and use a lottery if applications exceed capacity. Students must take the same exams as students attending traditional public schools.

There are approximately 150 charter schools in Louisiana – all open enrollment, but some having special missions and academic offerings. There are several different types of charter schools, based on how they were authorized. Access Louisiana charter school resources, including information about starting a charter school, here. Detailed information about specific charter schools can be found on Louisiana’s School Finder dashboard.

New Schools Louisiana also offers strategic advice and support in starting a successful charter school in Louisiana.

What are corporate charter school partnerships?

Louisiana law allows businesses and consortia of businesses and other entities to partner with charter school operators to address mutual priorities and create high-quality education options to benefit regional communities. In exchange for a donation of land, building space or sponsored renovations, and/or technology, corporate partners gain up to 50% of a school’s seats for employees’ children as well as a minority percentage of seats on the charter school’s governing board. Learn more here.