Our Focus

We Believe Every Louisianan Should Have The Opportunity To Flourish.

Pelican Policy

Our Focus


In the heart of Louisiana, where the spirit of resilience and community shines bright, lies a vision for the future: a world where every child is bestowed with the key to a treasure trove of knowledge—high-quality education.

This isn’t just a dream; it’s the foundation upon which the success of every resident and the prosperity of our state rests. Imagine Louisiana as a beacon of economic brilliance, powered by a workforce whose skills and training are unmatched, ready to conquer the challenges of the 21st-century economy.

The mission to revolutionize our educational system is more than an economic strategy; it’s a journey of moral significance. It’s our collective responsibility to equip our youth with the tools of knowledge and wisdom, ensuring they’re prepared to navigate the future with confidence and lead Louisiana toward new horizons.

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Our Focus


In recent years, Louisiana’s Medicaid landscape has transformed and grown by leaps and bounds, extending its reach to embrace over 400,000 able-bodied adults over the last two years. This expansion, while ambitious, has inadvertently cast a shadow over the very people Medicaid sought to protect—the vulnerable.

It’s time to steer Medicaid back to its roots, to rekindle its original purpose of safeguarding those in urgent need. Envision a reformed Medicaid, not just as a program, but as a beacon of hope, re-engineered to prioritize the vulnerable. By infusing innovation into how care is delivered, we can revolutionize Medicaid into a vessel of healing, lowering costs while elevating health outcomes for all patients. Together, let’s re-imagine Medicaid as a pillar of compassion and efficiency, standing tall in the heart of Louisiana.

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Pelican Policy
Pelican Policy

Our Focus

Tax Reform

In Louisiana, the economy’s current state and the departure of many residents highlight a pressing need for thoughtful reforms in both tax and budgetary strategies. Changes are crucial to make Louisiana a more appealing place for businesses and families, suggesting a gentle yet comprehensive revision of the tax code to cover corporate, individual, sales, and income taxes. This would not only stimulate growth but also ensure a fair and transparent economic landscape for all.

Equally, there’s a recognized need to improve Louisiana’s approach to budget management. The state’s history of financial uncertainty, marked by emergency sessions for temporary fixes, calls for a shift towards more sustainable, long-term planning. Together, these reforms in tax and budget processes represent a hopeful path forward for Louisiana, aiming to secure a thriving state economy with fairness and stability at its core.

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Our Focus


Creating and maintaining a top-notch network of roads is essential for the smooth flow of people, products, and services. Right now, our roads in Louisiana are not making the grade. We all know it’s time for a change — better roads, safer journeys, and less traffic.

The solution? Embrace innovation and lean into a free-market strategy for funding and improving our state’s highways. Let’s pave the way for a smoother, more efficient future on Louisiana’s roads.

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Pelican Policy
Pelican Policy

Our Focus

Technology & Innovation

Innovation, along with the groundbreaking technology it spawns, has significantly enhanced our lives in ways too vast to quantify. From ensuring access to clean water and providing transportation options that connect us to any destination, to pioneering the information revolution, these technological advancements are indispensable to our daily existence. However, government intervention frequently causes obstacles in the journey of technological progress. Overbearing regulations and bureaucratic hurdles often hinder the ability of innovators to enrich our lives. Louisiana is often trailing in the adoption of new technologies, a situation that not only suppresses innovation and job growth but also disadvantages consumers. This regulatory environment needs to foster an ecosystem where innovation can thrive, benefiting all of Louisiana.

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Our Focus


Systemic poverty threatens human dignity, endangers families, and is fundamentally antithetical to the American experiment. Unfortunately, too many of our government policies in the areas of criminal justice reform, social safety nets, workforce development, and occupational licensure present barriers to economic mobility and block off pathways to opportunity.

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Pelican Policy

We Believe Every Louisianan Should Have The Opportunity To Flourish.

400 Poydras St., Suite 900, New Orleans, LA 70130

Copyright © Pelican Policy. 2024

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