A School That Fits


As hard as we try, not every school in Louisiana works for every child. There is a better way to make sure our schoolchildren have a school that fits their needs.

Solutions to Get Kids Back To School

What education reforms do we support? How do we get kids back to school and give every family options that fit for them? Watch this video and read our 8-point summary below. Then sign up to the right to join the fight!

  1. Empower parents by expanding school choice programs
  2. Expand school choice scholarships to all Louisiana students
  3. Introduce new options, such as Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs)
  4. Promote Course Choice initiatives to allow students in rural and smaller school districts the same learning opportunities as the rest of the state’s students
  5. Empower quality, high performing teachers
  6. Reform merit pay and teacher tenure
  7. Transform the state’s public schools to give the same flexibility and accountability as charter schools
  8. Encourage new educational options, including high-quality career and technical educational programs

Read our latest recommendations to get kids back to school:

Download our 2-page summary on education reform in Louisiana here.

Download our full “Jobs and Opportunity Agenda: Education Reform” report here.

Do you support education reform? Have a story to share about your child’s education? Email us at info@pelicanpolicy.org with the subject line, “I Want A School That Fits.”

As hard as we try, not every school in Louisiana works for every child. There is a better way to make sure our school children have a school that fits their needs. Sign up to help us make sure every child has a school that fits.

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Pelican Policy

We Believe Every Louisianan Should Have The Opportunity To Flourish.

400 Poydras St., Suite 900, New Orleans, LA 70130

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