It’s Time to End the Income Tax & Stop Overspending

Many families and communities talk about what legacy they’re going to leave. Unfortunately, here in Louisiana, our legacy is leaving. More than 100,000 of our friends, family members, and neighbors have left our state since 2017 for better jobs and opportunities elsewhere.

That’s in large part because our taxes are too high and too complicated, and state government spending has grown out of control! Since the “temporary” one-penny sales tax was enacted in 2016, the state budget has grown by a whopping 88%! Even excluding federal funds, Louisiana spends 53% more than it did just a decade ago! It’s got to stop.

That’s why we have to take on major fiscal reform this year!

  • Phase out the personal income tax that punishes our people’s hard work
  • Flatten and simplify corporate taxes, including repeal of punishing franchise and inventory taxes, to attract more businesses and jobs
  • Cut government’s year-after-year increases in spending and force it to live within its means through a stronger expenditure limit

Click Here to learn more about these issues!

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