Posted by Daniel J. Erspamer on October 16, 2020Amendment 4 will Get Louisiana WorkingWhen facing difficult financial circumstances, Louisiana families take the steps they need to rein in [...]Read more
Posted by on March 25, 2020Economic Shocks Should Signal Spending Restraint from LawmakersWith tens of thousands of Louisianans now out of a job due to effects of the spread of COVID-19, [...]Read more
Posted by Editor on May 23, 2011Guest Commentary: An Opportunity for Louisiana to Lead U.S. Back to Fiscal SanityIn the face of unsustainable federal debt, Congress and the President appear unwilling and impotent to do [...]Read more
Posted by Fergus Hodgson on August 25, 2010New Study: Louisiana’s Fiscal Crisis Decades in the MakingReport highlights how spending trends have fueled fiscal deficits Although the economic recession has [...]Read more