Posted by Jamison Beuerman on December 4, 2012Commentary: Louisiana Can Help Force Congress to Balance BudgetMany Americans are now looking to state legislatures to step in and take the lead in amending the [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Mooney on October 31, 2011Louisiana’s Anti-Debt Resolution Fuels Movement for Constitutional AmendmentBig spenders in Congress who continue to inflate the national debt at the expense of future generations [...]Read more
Posted by Editor on July 7, 2011Commentary: How To End the Debt Ceiling CharadeThe American Conservative has run a commentary from former Pelican Post reporter and editor Fergus [...]Read more
Posted by Fergus Hodgson on June 22, 2011Back from the Dead! Debt Relief Amendment Gains Louisiana ApprovalAchieving a highly improbable turnaround, Rep. Noble Ellington’s (R-Winnsboro) resolution for an [...]Read more
Posted by Fergus Hodgson on June 15, 2011Debt Relief Amendment Falters Amid Heated DebateDespite smooth sailing in the House, the National Debt Relief Amendment came to an abrupt halt this [...]Read more
Posted by Fergus Hodgson on June 8, 2011Tactic Against Federal Debt Finds Overwhelming Support in Louisiana HouseWith not a single opponent, Louisiana’s House of Representatives has endorsed the National Debt Relief [...]Read more
Posted by Fergus Hodgson on May 25, 2011Update: Debt Relief Amendment Sails Through CommitteeNorth Dakota Senator Curtis Olafson (R - Edinburg), who flew in to testify as national spokesman, was met [...]Read more
Posted by Editor on May 23, 2011Guest Commentary: An Opportunity for Louisiana to Lead U.S. Back to Fiscal SanityIn the face of unsustainable federal debt, Congress and the President appear unwilling and impotent to do [...]Read more
Posted by Editor on May 23, 2011New Research: State-Initiated Amendments to Repair Our Constitutional RepublicThe Pelican Institute has released three pieces of research to clear the air over the National Debt [...]Read more