Posted by Ellen Carmichael on November 7, 2014Healthcare Solutions Week Highlights Need for Alternatives to Affordable Care ActThe Pelican Institute recently participated in Healthcare Solutions Week, an opportunity for people of [...]Read more
Posted by Ben Kilpatrick on May 6, 2013Medicaid Expansion: Even Worse Than You ThoughtNot only does Medicaid place an unreasonable burden on taxpayers, it fails to deliver a significant [...]Read more
Posted by Ben Kilpatrick on April 24, 2013The Trouble with MedicaidLouisiana legislators may not have the power to fix what is wrong with the federal welfare state. But [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Kane on July 13, 2012Commentary: Jindal Taking Right Approach to Affordable Care ActSupporters of the law argue that states should move quickly to create state insurance exchanges in order [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Kane on July 2, 2012Implications of SCOTUS Health Care Ruling for LouisianaAlthough the Supreme Court let most of the ACA stand, Louisiana policymakers can still play an important [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Kane on May 15, 2012Obama Health Care Exchange: Not the Answer for LouisianaLast week the Louisiana Budget Project (LBP) published a response to our critique of the health insurance [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Kane on May 9, 2012Five Reasons Not to Create ObamaCare ExchangeLouisiana should not devote resources to a program it won’t control and may soon be rendered obsolete [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Mooney on December 19, 2011State Medicaid Costs Continue to Outpace Education and Other Vital ServicesMedicaid costs continued to rise in 2011, consuming a greater percentage of overall state spending. This [...]Read more
Posted by Kevin Mooney on October 25, 2011ObamaCare’s Regulatory Uncertainty Stirs Republican and Democratic Criticism at the State LevelEven as they differ over the merits and defects of health care exchanges, state officials from across [...]Read more