$250,000 for marching band uniforms? $50,000 to cut grass? $125,000 to repair a historic barn? These are the kinds of projects that the Louisiana legislature is cramming into the budget–and they’re mortgaging our children’s future to do it.

Louisiana’s legislature is at a crossroads. Each member must decide whether to set Louisiana on a course of fiscal accountability, lower taxes, and prosperity — or a future that handcuffs our children and grandchildren with debt as far as the eye can see.

The first option of higher spending is not sustainable. We’re not Washignton, D.C. We can’t print money. And legislators should not treat taxpayers like an ATM. Every dime that the government spends today will come out of taxpayers’ pockets tomorrow.

Louisiana’s taxpayers deserve to see the kinds of things that they will be paying for. Here’s a sampling.

  • $125,000 to repair a historic barn (Save the Dairy Barn at Bushlow Lake)
  • $100,000 for an entrepreneur cosmetology program (St. James Parish School Board)
  • $60,000 for a “Dental Lifeline Network”
  • $100,000 for “beautification” for the Oretha Castle Haley Blvd Merchants and Business Association
  • $250,000 for the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Foundation
  • $50,000 for “beautification” for the city of Franklin
  • $100,000 for the Southern Forest Heritage Museum maintenance, upgrades, and construction
  • $100,000 for the American Rose Society for general improvements
  • $40,000 to Winnsboro Park for improvements
  • $50,000 for a “grabber truck” for Jonesville
  • $100,000 to the Calcasieu Parish School Board
  • $50,000 for the Central Community Theater
  • $20,000 for summer camp to the CLBC Family Development LLC
  • $25,000 for metal detectors at the Rapides Parish Coliseum
  • $25,000 to cut grass at town of Brusley Highway 1
  • $25,000 to cut grass at town of Port Allen Highway 1
  • $100,000 for the McKinley Alumni Association
  • $1,500,000 for the Louisiana Leadership Institute

To be clear, exercising restraint in the budget today doesn’t mean we can’t invest in our state. We are still able to invest in education, strengthen our infrastructure, and save for the future. These are important priorities. But what we cannot do is pay for pet projects and send taxpayers the bill.

Here’s what we know about Louisiana today. The facts are staggering. Our economy is at a near standstill because of poor public policies. Our population is shrinking. Our children are leaving Louisiana for greener pastures. Our GDP growth is the second worst in the country. And our personal income growth is 50th in the nation.

Louisiana’s policies put us here. More spending will lead to higher taxes. Higher taxes scare away investment. That drives away businesses. That sends our kids to other states. And it tells the world that Louisiana is closed for business.

The legislature should not double down on these policies with pet policies paid for by busting our children’s piggy banks. It’s time to fund Louisiana’s future—and do it by budgeting responsibly, paying down debt, cutting taxes, investing in infrastructure, and paying our teachers. That’s the Comeback Agenda that Louisiana desperately needs.