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HB 930: Reduces Education Hours for Cosmetology Licensing

Helping Louisianan’s get to work is important for families and our economy! Reducing the education hours that cosmetologists and barbers need to get licensed to work makes good sense for our residents and communities.


SB 293: Provides Primary Point of Contact for Workforce Solutions

It’s time Louisiana takes a holistic, data-driven approach to workforce development solutions by engaging the Board of Regents, La. Community and Technical College System, Dept. of Economic Development, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections, and the Dept. of Children and Family Services to identify and recommend initiatives and programs promoting workforce development.


HB 523: Requires a Secret Ballot for Public Service Union Biennial Recertification

Union members should have the opportunity to select their union representation every other year by secret ballot with the process being managed by a third-party election facilitator.


SB 331: Prohibits Public Employers from Collecting Union Dues from Employee Paychecks

Union members should make their own arrangements to pay their union dues, just like they pay a monthly phone bill or gym membership. There are plenty of options in 2024, including bank draft or scheduling a monthly deduction on your credit or debit card. Public funds and employees should not be used to collect union...


HB 919: Prohibits Public Employers from Collecting Union Dues from Employee Paychecks

Union members should make their own arrangements to pay their union dues, just like they pay a monthly phone bill or gym membership. There are plenty of options in 2024, including bank draft or scheduling a monthly deduction on your credit or debit card. Public funds and employees should not be used to collect union...


HB 712: Gives Public Service Union Members the Right to Resign at any Time

Public employees from whom membership dues are collected and paid to a public sector union, should receive annual notification that the employee has the right to join or not join a union, cannot be discriminated against for his decision, and can resign his membership at any time. Resignation must not be limited to a narrow...


HB 572: Prohibits Collective Bargaining for Public Service Unions

Collective bargaining costs a Louisiana family of four approximately $3000 per year. Collective bargaining agreements are typically negotiated in secret and remain in effect for years at a time. They generally govern pay, working conditions, and establish a reduction in force protocol that typically retains workers based on seniority rather than merit.


HB 571: Prohibition on Release Time for Public Service Union Employees

Government agencies \”release\” employees from their jobs to allow them to engage in political and lobbying activities including recruiting new members, negotiating salary and benefits, attend conferences and meetings, or file grievances while receiving full government pay, benefits and retirement—paid for by taxpayers. Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for public employees to do...


HB 959: Review Licensing to Eliminate Unnecessary Barriers to Work

Out of 102 recognized professions, Louisiana requires occupational licenses for 76 of them for people to work. Bureaucratic red tape makes it harder and more expensive for my friends, neighbors, and family members to get and keep jobs in Louisiana. This bill causes state occupational licensing requirements to sunset unless a periodic review of the...

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