Policy Resources for Candidates and Future Leaders

Pelican Institute Wants to Partner with You

Thank you for your service to the great State of Louisiana by standing for election to public office. If we can be of assistance to you in developing your policy vision or engaging in priority issues for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In the meantime, we’d welcome the opportunity to meet and learn more about you and your priorities!It’s time to write Louisiana’s comeback storyFor too long, poor public policy decisions have caused Louisiana families to suffer while our neighbors thrive. While other families think about leaving a legacy, our legacy – our kids, grandkids, friends, and family members – is leaving to find work and opportunity in other states.

It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, it shouldn’t. That’s why the Pelican Institute team has worked to create the Louisiana Comeback Agenda, based on months of research, hundreds of pages of data and information, and work from some of the best minds from around Louisiana and the nation.  Read more about our proposed solutions in the Louisiana Comeback Agenda!

Of course, we work on a broad set of issues related to opportunity and free enterprise. We publish regular articles and policy briefings as well as full-length research and reports on our website: PelicanPolicy.org. Here you’ll find information on a variety of issues including:

  • Tax & Budget
  • Criminal Justice
  • Social Safety Nets
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Insurance
  • …and more!

Here are some additional resources about policy solutions that will bring true transformative change to Louisiana. We encourage you to explore these articles and the rest of our website. Please reach out if we can provide additional information or answer any questions.

About the Pelican Institute

The Pelican Institute for Public Policy believes every person should have the opportunity to flourish. The Institute’s mission is to research and develop policy solutions to address the most significant barriers to opportunity in Louisiana. We educate the public about the these policies, turning great ideas into powerful policy solutions that make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Click here to learn more about our mission and vision.And, you can learn more about our team, all of whom are eager to work with you. Read more about our staff and leadership.

Thank you for your interest in and engagement with the Pelican Institute. Please email Erin Bendily, Pelican’s Vice President for Policy & Strategy, for more information if you’d like to visit or discuss further any of these issues – or ones we might be missing. We’d love to hear from you.

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Policy Areas that Interest You:

Tax Reform
Technology & Innovation
Legal & Regulatory
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