Baton Rouge, LA—A recent poll reveals that nearly 60% of Louisianans are in favor of a constitutional convention to address the state’s outdated and convoluted constitution. The survey highlights overwhelming support among Republicans (75%) and considerable backing from Independents (54%), showcasing a strong bipartisan desire for fundamental reform.

Background on Louisiana’s Constitution:

Louisiana’s state constitution, adopted 50 years ago, has grown to about 80,000 words, making it one of the longest in the nation. The document is cluttered with numerous amendments and allocations of state funds for specific uses, often cited by lawmakers and policy experts as obstacles to agile governance. This has hampered the state’s ability to effectively tackle pressing issues such as education, healthcare, and economic development.

A Constitutional Convention would allow for comprehensive re-organizations, paving the way for a streamlined, more effective governance framework. By modernizing the constitution, Louisiana can seize opportunities, solve problems more efficiently, and secure a prosperous future for all its citizens.

Voters want action now. The ideal time for voters to ratify or reject a new constitutional framework is during the presidential election when voter turnout is highest. This ensures broad participation and legitimacy. Streamlining the constitution ahead of the 2025 fiscal session will also enable the legislature to debate and implement optimal tax and budget policies without the constraints of the current document. This movement is about giving the voters the final say, ensuring transparency in delegate selection, and driving growth for all Louisianans. The Senate should heed the clear public mandate and not obstruct what the people want.

“The poll speaks for itself. Louisianans show broad support for a constitutional convention, and reform is popular among voters. This move towards a simpler constitution promises a roadmap for a booming economy, enhanced job opportunities, and a safeguarded future for our children. It’s time for Louisiana’s Comeback Story defined by the people, for the people.” – Daniel Erspamer, CEO, Pelican Institute